Church Staff

Senior Pastor

Dr. Ricky Guenther

Ed Miller

Minister of Missions

Bro. Ed Miller

John Morris

Minister of Music

Bro. John Morris

Rachel Norton

Childrens Minister

Rachel Norton

James West

Youth Minister

Bro. James West

Resident Missionaries

Resident Missionaries

Due to safety Precautions,
names have been withheld

Sr. Pastor

Ricky Guenther

I am originally from Pensacola, Florida where there are lovely beaches but moved to Grand Prairie in 1972, graduated from GPHS and went on to further my education in ministry at various places. I have been married to my beautiful bride Lynda for 41 years and she has followed me everywhere that God has taken us. I have two children Haley and her husband Zack, and Grant who both live in the College Station/Bryan area. Lynda and I have two grandkids that are the love of our life, Rollie who is 6 and Davy Jane who is 4 and another one on the way due in February. 

 I have been in ministry for almost 40 years, 21 in Youth Ministry in various churches and 18 as Pastor in places as Henrietta, TX; Burnet TX and South Seminole Baptist. I love to share the Gospel with people, I love to be around people as well. It is a joy to be at Inglewood and to serve alongside some incredible people who love Jesus and love Inglewood Baptist.

Ed Miller

Minister of Missions and Pastoral Care

Ed Miller

Ed has been serving Inglewood as Minister of Missions and Pastoral care since January 2010. Prior to Inglewood, Ed and his wife Linda served for over 31 years in Zambia, Africa as missionaries with the International Mission Board.

John Morris

Music Minister

John Morris

It is the desire of my heart to serve my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by ministering to the local church body through music and worship. Identifying and training people to become spiritual leaders in the church and home, while also growing in my spiritual walk and faith.

Rachel Norton

Minister of Children and Preschool

Rachel Norton

Rachel’s passion is to see kids and families grow into a personal relationship with the Lord through learning God’s word and through serving Him in the community. She has served in ministry with her husband, Matt, for over 20 years.

James West

Youth Minister

James West

James has filled many roles in the church from fill-in preaching, teaching and screwing in light bulbs.  He graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 2020.  His heart is to see God glorified, the lost saved, teaching discipleship and evangelism by example, and serving in other various ways.  He desires to prepare the next generation to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ so they can affect the next generation for Christ.  A few of his favorite verses are Matthew 5:16, Hebrews 13:15-16, and Acts 4:12.  He mostly reads books on theology, but also enjoys camping and  watching the Mavericks, Stars, Rangers and yes, even the Cowboys.

Donna Waller

Financial Secretary​

Donna Waller

Donna grew up in the N.E. part of Grand Prairie and has been a member at Bowles Baptist Church since she was a child.  She is a graduate of the University of North Texas and worked as a computer programmer and project leader for nearly 30 years.  She has been working as a Church Financial Secretary since 2011 and was hired at Inglewood in September 2022.  She is very happy to be able to serve God in this capacity.  Donna likes to travel and enjoys reading when she has time.  

Resident Missionaries

Missionaries in Residence

The Nameless Missionaries

These Missionaries’ identity has been hidden.

We have new missionaries serving as “Missionaries in Residence” at Inglewood who serve in a “restrictive area” where it is dangerous to serve. Thanks for praying for those difficult areas of our world.