Inglewood Homeless Outreach

Meals for the Homeless

(GPHOO), also known as the Grand Prairie Homeless Outreach Organization, is led by Tammy Chan. It partners with Inglewood and other groups to provide meals for the homeless. We meet on set days to shop for food and then collect all the food items to create meal bags.

Our team of volunteers coordinates with GPHOO delivery drivers to collect the packed food bags and deliver the meals to different homeless locations at specified times to ensure that the meals reach all of our homeless friends.

Partnering with GPHOO

We are providing shelf safe meals to Grand Prairie Homeless Outreach Organization GPHOO. Our goal is to deliver once a week 96 - 100 meals and bottled water to GPHOO. It is structured through their Mealtrain App. We have provided well over 12,000 meals since 2021.

The Cooling Center

Inglewood Baptist Church volunteers with the (GPHOO) Grand Prairie Homeless Outreach Organization. We offer our church as a location on set days when the homeless are able to get out of the heat and retreat to our fellowship hall where they can rest and enjoy some food and company. 

We set up air mattresses for those who are looking for a cool place to take a nap. We also set up a tv and play movies where people can enjoy a movie and a cup of coffee. We generally offer a few breakfast items along with hot lunches and the GPHOO provides us with a sack lunch to send them off with when they leave.

Setting up the Summer Cooling Center
Homeless Outreach Volunteers

The Warming Center

Inglewood Baptist Church volunteers also work with the GPHOO in the winter when it gets to cold for our unsheltered friends to safely be outside.

Living outside can be dangerous when it gets too cold and some of our friends have even developed frostbite from being outside in freezing temperatures.

Much like our cooling center in the summer, we open our doors during extreme weather conditions to give our unsheltered friends a break from the cold.

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