Inglewood Baptist is a church that was established in 1957 under the Dallas Baptist Association and cooperation from First Baptist Church of Grand Prairie. We are a participating member of the Southern Baptist Association. Over the years Inglewood has been involved in Missions and has made Missions a key part of our ministries. In fact Inglewood has the phrase ‘a Local church with a Global purpose.’
We are a strong believer in reaching our community for Jesus as well as help those who are working around the world to share the Gospel. Our objective is the following: “It is the purpose of Inglewood Baptist Church to be a unified body of believers, with Christ as our Lord, the Holy Spirit as our Power, and the Bible as our Guide in worship, education, evangelism, missions, and ministry.”
Our Core values are: Authenticity, Life Transformation, Spiritual Health, Integrity, and Relationships. And every Sunday morning we as the congregation state why we exist: “I exist to unify with believers with Jesus as my Lord, the Holy Spirit as my Power and the Bible as my Guide.”
“It is the purpose of Inglewood Baptist Church to be a unified body of believers, under the sovereignty of God the Father, with Christ Jesus as our lord, the Holy Spirit as our Power, and the Bible as our guide in worship, education, evangelism, missions, and ministry.”
“It is the purpose of Inglewood Baptist Church to be a unified body of believers, under the sovereignty of God the Father, with Christ Jesus as our lord, the Holy Spirit as our Power, and the Bible as our guide in worship, education, evangelism, missions, and ministry.”
The Cooperative Program funds are sent to the SBC through the two Southern Baptist conventions within Texas. Funding from our church is split equally between these two state conventions: The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC) and the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT). Both state conventions use a portion of this money to carry out ministry to local churches in Texas.
Inglewood gives 11% of our annual receipts (your tithes and undesignated offerings) to the Cooperative Program. We give an additional 1.2% to the Dallas Baptist Association.
Also, each year, during the month of December we collect an additional missions offering. This offering specifically funds missions: 70% is sent to the International Mission Board, 20% goes to the North American Mission Board, and 10% stays here to fund local and national missions priorities determined by our church.
Inglewood is located 3 miles North of Highway 20 on Carrier Pkwy, in Grand Prairie, TX. For directions, click here!
Our worship service begins at 9:30. If it is your first time you may want to arrive about 5 to 10 minutes early. Greeters will be stationed near the entrances who can answer any of your questions, help you find classrooms for the kids, or assist you in finding a seat in the worship center.
Most people wear business casual attire, there a few that wear suits, and some that wear jeans. Wear what is comfortable for you but appropriate.
Inglewood has an excellent nursery to care for children birth-Kindergarten. We believe there is great benefit to families worshiping together; children are welcome in our worship gathering.
Jesus taught us to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Therefore, our worship times at Inglewood are filled with both expressive times of celebrating and solemn times of reflecting on the God’s truth found in the Bible. Our song selection includes a blend of contemporary and traditional music. Some of the other ways we worship include praying, reciting Scripture, and hearing sermons from God’s Word. If you have a Bible please bring it. If you need one, there are some for you to use under the chairs. Things wrap up with a response time, collecting tithes and offerings, and sharing a few announcements. You are invited to attend one of our Bible studies immediately following our worship time.
At the end of the service we offer a time of response where the Pastor and staff are available for prayer at the front of the Worship Center. If you feel led to respond to the message regarding personal salvation, baptism, or other issues you are facing our staff is available to speak with you and pray for you.
Not at all. We recognize the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper once a quarter. If you visit during one of these services we invite you to partake in the Lord’s Supper if you have surrendered your life to Jesus and recognize Him as your personal Savior.
Before you leave the service fill out one of our guest information slips. You can drop your card in the offering box or give it to one of our staff. You will receive a call from one of our deacons or staff during the next week to help you get the information you need.
1901 S. Carrier Pkwy.
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
© 2024 Inglewood Baptist Church
All Rights Reserved.